Industry 4.0

Infinite offers a holistic portfolio of IoT solutions aiming to optimize your people, processes, and equipment through improved interconnectedness, productivity, and worker safety. Infinite's solution blueprints enable the enterprise to reach the full potential of Industry 4.0 with tangible ROI and quantifiable milestones. Infinite's suite includes smart construction and manufacturing solutions embedded with IoT (smart helmets, bands, etc.), real-time thermal cameras to detect heat and monitor sources, AR/VR capabilities for worker training, sensors for air quality, predictive maintenance (statistical forecast model), fleet management, digital twin and so much more.

Solution Features
  • Supply chain optimization: AI algorithm for inventory management, factory assets sensing & detection, advanced analytics, digital twin, etc.
  • Augmented workforce: AR/VR for corporate training to illustrate, demonstrate, and/or provide instructions on machine operations.
  • Intelligent utility system: AI for user and prospect behavior reading, flow analysis for theft and risk detection, optimization of electrical and alternative energies.

What we offer

Worker Safety

Leverage real-time predictions along with wearable and environmental sensors for hazard detection at workplaces, and boost safety with human-machine collaboration.

Inventory Management

Enhance visibility through your entire supply chain with asset tagging, geofencing, real-time alerts for mismatch between the ERP inventory data and the actual warehouse inventories.

Theft Prevention

Repair missing links of visibility in the supply chains with IoT asset tracking that is infused with AI and Lidar to avoid theft in manufacturing hubs and warehouses.

Cold Chain Logistics

Track and monitor locations, inventory levels, and environmental conditions for temperature-sensitive products with a well-designed IoT system that enables real-time alerting and auditing.

Asset Tracking

Gain control of asset life cycle with real-time updates and alerts from ‘indoor, outdoor, and everywhere in-between’ to track performance, mitigate risk, avoid theft, and maximize asset ROI.

Preventive Maintenance

Enable AI-powered IoT intelligence to foresee maintenance requirements and take corrective measures for extended asset life, reduced downtime, and cost/operation efficiency.

Digital Twin

Gain real-time visibility of assets through a virtual representation of the real-world factory, plants, products for improved design decisions, higher operational efficiency, and reduced implementation risks.

XR Training

Embrace on-demand access to expert AR, VR and MR knowledge with smart, step-by-step instructions and remote guidance for reduced errors and increased uptime.

Workforce Utilization

Revamp workspaces with cloud based IoT sensors that provide dynamic reports/dashboards/alerts on occupancy, space utilization, and office climate for effective decision-making, reduced expenses, immediate ROI, and overall workforce well-being.

Fleet Management

Automate delivery route plans, monitor on-ground activities, and manage logistics operations in real-time for improved customer service, increased fleet productivity, optimized fuel consumption, and reduced labor costs and incidents.